Microsoft Dynamics AX Training
Problem: A large manufacturing corporation needed to upgrade to a new software system and also incorporate new RFID scanners into warehouse workflow
Solution: A comprehensive series of ILT/vILT training courses, a library of just-in-time training videos, followed up with e-learning for retention of skills
Role: storyboarding | video, audio and design production | course authoring
SOFTWARE: TechSmith Camtasia | Adobe Captivate | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Audition | Adobe Premiere Pro | Adobe Photoshop |

Comprehensive series of ILT/vILT and online training courses

On-demand microlearning

Software simulations

Instructional videos

Interactive online courses
The above course was created for Invision Strategies using Camtasia, Adobe Captivate, and Adobe Premiere Pro.
Sample Software Simulation Mini-Course
This sample simulation, created in Articulate Storyline, leads the learner through the steps to create a shareable link in Google Drive.