PROBLEM: Many parents shy away from talking to their children about pornography thinking it will be very uncomfortable and embarrassing conversation. However, it is a vital conversation that needs to happen and parents need to learn the right approach to be effective.
SOLUTION: Create a short online training course using a storytelling approach that allows parents to practice having these difficult conversations in a low-stakes way. By using a branching scenario, parents learn how to have these conversations through the natural consequences of their choices. The course begins by explaining why talking to tweens is the best age range to begin these conversations. Foundational topics that should be discussed with children before these conversations occur are covered, as well as an exercise to dive into any barriers parents may encounter with the subject matter.
ROLE: Research | Scripting | Storyboarding | Wire-framing | Video, audio and design production | Course authoring
SOFTWARE: Adobe Captivate | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Audition | Adobe Premiere Pro | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Acrobat | Adobe InDesign | Twine

Above: Wireframe storyboard created in Twine. Below: A few screen stills from the course.