"Base-ic" Training
Problem: RSAs need a solid understanding of a new high-tech adjustable mattress base.
Solution: Create an immersive role-playing game that sends learners on four "Missions" to discover the various features and benefits of the new product line. Each Mission groups similar product features together to chunk the material and help aid recall.
Role: SME interview | Establish learning objectives | Scripting | Storyboarding | Video, audio and design production | Course authoring
Software: Articulate Storyline | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Audition | Adobe Premiere Pro | Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Acrobat | Adobe InDesign
RESULTS: Client reported the training was so well-received it had the highest completion rate on a product launch training in company history.

Game play begin immediately to immerse learners in world

Learners must earn four mission badges to complete course

Cut scenes used to establish mission locations

Interactive learning elements

The Quiet Cave

Relaxation Island

Detailed product information

Lumbar Support Lab

Connectivity Space Capsule

Detailed product information

Mission completion

Aches & Pains Game
Problem: RSAs need to know the correct type of discovery questions to ask customers so they can direct them to the best product for their needs.
Solution: Create a fast, fun game to help RSAs choose between good and bad sample discovery questions. The game gives immediate remediation after each selection and uses a progress bar to show how well they are playing the game. The learner may play the game as many times as they'd like to try and get the best score possible.
Role: Course authoring
Software: Adobe Captivate | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Audition
Additional Gamified Learning Samples

Trivia game to reinforce prior learning

"Jeopardy" style game play

Immediate remidation
The above courses were created for Invision Strategies.